Thursday, January 19, 2012

About today:

Trying to clean my house. Feng Sway not right. Keeping the flow of positive energy throughout. Making a peaceful atmosphere. Artistic muses at hand. But the floor is dirty. Well, I could wait until Sat. and have someone else clean it! But I hate giving orders. Even if I ask please. It turns into an order and an upsetting arguement with my teenager. Well Well my dear Teen ager, where do you lie your head at night? Who drives you everywhere hundreds of times a day even if we just back from there because you forgot your cell phone? Please vacume. Finially she will accept my request for help. It doesnt matter. Today is another beautfiful day and I am creating art again and loving it.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 10th, 2012

I am wanting to express myself verbally in my blog. As a child I could write and write, and I did write in a journal, a diary for many, many years; 8 years, then another 5. After a house fire I was able to salvage some of my journals which included my teenage, PTSD years. Very troubled young woman I was. Being half autistic, and the other half artistic, and the rest of my psyche traumatized makes for some pretty wild art; Healing art for 10 my art has changed. Going through menopause puts some changes to my psyche as well; pure spiritual freedom and content at last. But now I must finish what i have started, or do i start again where i finished??? That is my question to myself at hand. I am just going to start using all the found objects and materials I have and start creating my awsome mixed media art; downsize and clean house. At the very least I have it all, however life still interrupts me; interruptions that any woman with 5 grown kids could incur. Grandkids, new babies, old babies still in high school! My My! Burnt out brain from so many drugs that kept me alive as I grew up, yet now, full circle, the therapy of pharmaceutical drugs keeps me sane. I tried everything homeopathy; healing my adrenals, thyroid hormone, dopamine, serotonin, even BHRT for years.
Okay, my point here? Nothing. Just sayin. lol

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Transforming the form of human

I see everything evolving, changing, and becoming enlightened. Everything; the universe, humans and their consciousness, animals, nature, old mother earth, and I am learning to be more present in my everyday thoughts and activities. I have so much to learn still. Id like to learn to celebrate more fully each and every moment I own; no matter what is in that moment; taking it and lapping it up like a thirsty puppy! The ever changing consciousnesses that is awakening inside and around me with my thoughts is something I am going to allow to let be....because I just AM. love to all.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fall in CT

Fall in CT is mid full swing and will be here untill around Feb. 1st as always with exciting artisitic adventures, exhibitions, and excitement. Even though the economy is still brewing one way or another artists have gotten together in thier usual psychic, karmaic, artistic ways with the energy that always flows when its around; stirring up emotions, creating laughter, making one dance the night away. Even in the most dullest of places you will find us because that is why we are here. Artists make life happen; we stir up the ozone and atoms. We quicken the heart with prickled emotion that stirs the mind that make the body move which will, in turn, create a vibrant flow of souls building positive energies. The creative, collective conscientiousness of artists will in due time help make Connecticut  a vibrant place to live and work. Hartford, CT   HEART-forwards, Connection City!!!! Bring it on.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Summer 2010 continued....

However, Ive been doing other things....besides driving my 14 year old teen, and cooking meals and doing laundry. Ive been investigating old foundations around the state; looking for old metal parts and bottles and broken crocks for when I begin doing my mosaic wall. The metal I use in sculpture. I find old maps for the areas I am interrested in with the old houses, then I match them up with newer maps to make sure I am not digging in someones' back yard. I gather up my equipment; machete, shovel, small hand rake, back pack, bandana, water, battery powered sawzaw, metal detector, and Im off. This past weekend I found some very interresting rock mounds, about 8 random placed piles about body sizes. Im not sure if they were Indian graves or not. Ive had some training with old boundary line evidences and understand how the old farmers used to place their virginia rail fences along wetland areas or hard to dig ledges and such, but these were random and not in that uniform way for these fences. I looked up "stone piles", "Indian graves" and other words and only found "Indian Ceremonial Stones" that somewhat fit this discription. It was an erie feeling being around them, and I wanted to take the stones apart, but decided not to. I will go back and do some investigating in that area again. Only I will look for another type of stone pile where there could be some pottery perhaps. All the foundations I looked around had already been dug up. So, while I am still waiting for my season to create again I am plenty busy doing other things I enjoy. Gardening has become a chore now. While usually spring I am all ready for that because I LOVE my flowers and eating fresh from my vegie gardens. I love to watch things blossom and grow and my best harvest are the smells of my mints, wild geraniams, and lavendars which I dry and use all winter on my woodstove in the pot of water for healing and pleasing art processes. Being an evolving artist is sweet. Understanding the cycles and growth spirts have been hard, but Im starting to understand how they go now. Which means I am finially beginning to understand myself. God its been along time coming.